A. N. M. Tariqur Rashid

MD, Turbines Division
A.N.M. Tariqur Rashid is our Managing Director of the Turbines Division. He joined our Group in 1999 and was the Executive Director of Summit Power Limited until 2010. In 2011, Mr Rashid was appointed the Deputy Managing Director of our subsidiaries, Summit Meghnaghat Power Company Limited and Summit Bibiyana Power Company Limited, and continues to hold this position till today. Prior to joining our Group, Mr Rashid was a Project Engineer for Wartsila Bangladesh Limited from 1998 to 1999, and a Maintenance Engineer for the Bangladesh Power Development Board from 1990 to 1998. In addition, he is also an Executive Director in several of our Group's subsidiaries. Mr Rashid holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mechanical) from the Bangladesh Institute of Technology Khulna.